Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Monday 6/15 & Tuesday 6/16- Days 6 & 7- Mission Completed

Here is my last update!

ECLSS- Water filtration simulation.   EPIC FAIL.  No astronaut would ever drink our water.  EVER.

Pre-Graduation Shenanigans

My wonderful team and I graduating.  I love and adore every single one of them!

Teresa- kind and gentle, LPD- most hilarious, Marie- selfless and loving, Sam- Positive and lovely, James- nicest man in the WORLD, Shylla- patient and brave, Almuz- shy and so very smart, Jason- thoughtful and fun, Misti- a kindred spirit who was brought back into my life, Amanda- I want to keep her forever, Ashlie- my partner and crime and encourager, Jerry- can make my day in an instant, Putri- happy and full of life

I love you, Team Harmony!!

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