Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday 6/12- Day 3- This is ground control to Major Tom

Here is today's recap!

This is my team at the "Low Ropes Course" in Area 51 for team building.  This is where I had to sing all of my instructions.  Elsa came out a few times... LET IT GO, LET IT GO!

This is my science crush, Tom Hancock.  He is wicked smart and sooooo nice!

This video is of my friend Amanda.  I promise, we are "proper mates", but she obviously gets my sense of humor!  Love her!

They made me CAPCOM for our mission.  I'm the only one allowed to communicate with the space shuttle.   They really don't know what they got themselves into... I've already sang to them.

This is me and my teammate Jason in a model of an orbiter.

Lack of gravity can't REALLY be produced on Earth... I like to pretend.  I'm in the "ISS" right now!

This is me in the command module simulator.  This is what they used to fly around space in!

Here are my Go Pro videos from the aviation challenge!

This one is of a helicopter crash simulation!

This video is of what it would be like to pick up an astronaut after a splash down landing.

The next two videos are of the zipline parachute simulation.

Enjoy this last video.  I had a little bit of down time.   Miss you!- Love, Me

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